Viv's English Library


Your English will improve much faster if you read in English when you are not in class.


Readers - Simplified books for learners of English


Advanced (2,701+ words)

Dolphin music (Antoinette Moses - 2,800wds)

Great expectations (Charles Dickens - 3000wds)

The edge (Dick Francis - 3000wds)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain - 3,100wds)


Upper Intermediate (1,701- 2,700 words)

Dracula (Bram Stoker - 1800wds)

This rough magic (Mary Stewart - 1800wds)

Witch Child (Celia Rees - 1,800wds)

A matter of chance (David A. Hill - 1,900wds)

The last of the Mohicans (James Fenimore Cooper + cd)

Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy - 2,200wds)

Grapes of wrath (John Steinbeck - 2,200wds)

Of mice and men (John Steinbeck - 2,200wds)

The Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux - 2,300wds)

The story of the internet (Stephen Bryant - 2,300wds)

Cry Freedom (John Briley - 2500wds)

Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte - 2500wsd)

Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens - 2,500wds)

Sparkling cyanide (Agatha Cristie - 2500wds)


Intermediate (1001-1700 words)

The stone lion (Claire Breckon - 1,100wds)

Five on a Treasure Island (Enid Blyton - 1200)

Forrest Gump (Winston Groom - 1200wds)

Rain man (Leonore Fleischer - 1,200wds)

Casino Royale (Ian Fleming - 1,400wds + 2cds)

Songs of a distant earth (Arthur C. Clark - 1,400wds)

Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson - 1,400wds)

Gone with the wind part 1 (Margaret Mitchell - 1,700wds + cd x2)

On the beach (Nevil Shute - 1,700wds)

The boys from Brazil (Ira Levin - 1,700wds)

The day of the jackal (Frederick Forsyth - 1,700wds)

Stories for everyone (Donn Byrne)

The birds and other stories (Daphne Dumaurier)

Ben Hur (Peter Wright)

The Blue Lagoon (H. De Vere Stacpole)


Pre-Intermediate (400-1000 words)

Remember Miranda (Rowena Akinyemi - 400wds)

Brad Pitt (Nancy Taylor - 600wds)

The man in the iron mask (Alexandre Dumas - 600wds)

The room in the tower (Rudyard Kipling - 600wds)

Alice's adventures in wonderland (Lewis Carroll - 600wds + cd)

Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe - 700wds)

The death of Karen Silkwood (Joyce Hannam - 700wds)

The piano (Rosemary Border - 700wds)

As the inspector said... (Short stories - 1,000wds)

Frankenstein (Mary Shelley - 1,000wds)

Last Sherlock Holmes story. (Micheal Dibdin - 1,000wds)

Railway Children (Edith Nesbit - 1000wds)

Short stories (Oscar Wilde - 1,000wds)

Through the looking glass (Lewis Carroll - 1,000wds)

Fortune's fool (Stacie Withers)


Elementary (399 words or less)

Hannah and the hurricane (John Escott - 200wds)

New York Cafe (Michael Dean - 250wds)

Pele (Rod Smith - 300wds)