Level 2 Film Activity - One flew over the cuckoo's nest - Part 5


DVD activity by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)


Part 5 (DVD scenes 26 - end ) Viewing time approx. 30 minutes (activity time 45 mins.)


Pre-teach the following vocabulary


Describing people (p. 20f)

(ADJ) Be ashamed (of sth.)


House and home (p.28f)                               Ways of moving etc. (p.46f)

(N) The grounds                                             (V) Drag sth/sb = pull along the ground

(ADJ) upstairs / downstairs


Idioms & slang (p.13b)

(I) Be as meek as a lamb = easily controlled


USA v UK (p. 29b)

USA = Date sb            UK = Go out with sb.


While the DVD is loading and the 'copyright' warning is on:

Speaking activity - Ask the students:

Tell me about the basketball match. (The patients won because of Chief Bromden)

Why did Cheswick get angry in the group therapy session? (cigarettes)

Who was sent for Electro-shock treatment? Why? (McMurphy, Bromden & Cheswick)

What did McMurphy find out about Chief Bromden? How? (not deaf and dumb/chewing gum)

What did McMurphy find out at the swimming pool?

Why was McMurphy surprised in the second group therapy session? (Voluntary)

Tell me about the party.


Go to the film main menu, select 'Language' and

select subtitles in English (No subtitles intermediate+)

Go to the film main menu, select 'Jump to a scene' and select scene 26 (Billy the club)


When Nurse Ratched says 'McMurphy, Did Billy Bibbet leave the grounds?'

Subtitles in students' native language (Subtitles in English intermediate+)


When McMurphy tries to open the window subtitles off.


When Sefelt shows his lower lip  Students' choice - subtitles in English or native language (int.-) or

subtitles in English or off (intermediate +).

After the final credits -  Stop the film


Post-viewing activity:



Talk about the students' favourite English language films. Why do they like them?

If they had to choose a film to help foreigners learn their language, which would they choose. Why?



If you had been McMurphy, what would you have done?

Euthanasia - right or wrong? (followed by intermediate- activity, if time allows)

