Level 3 Film Activity - One flew over the cuckoo's nest - Part 3


DVD activity by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)


Part 3 (DVD scenes 10 - 15 ) Viewing time 30 minutes (total activity time approx. 45 mins.)


Pre-teach/check the following vocabulary

Revise vocab. for 'crazy' (see part 1) and 'raise your hands / arms' (see part 2)


General vocab. (p.4f)

(N) Bow (and arrow) /BO/

(V+N) Bow /BAU/ - = lower your head          I use red to highlight these homonyms in the students'

(N) The bow /BAU/ = front of a ship   notebooks to highlight these homonyms.


Finance & business (p.22f)                          Travel and transport (p.44f)

(V) Adjourn (a meeting)                                  (V) Charter sth

(EXP) Landslide victory                                  (N) Skipper

(V+N) Vote                                                    (V) Steer


Sport & leisure (p.38f)

Create a table with five columns and around 15 rows (Sport/activity, verb, person, place, equipment)

Fill it with 'fishing', 'go', angler*, the sea/a river, a rod, hook & bait*.Add angler, fishing rod, hook and bait to Sport & leisure with the meanings, and 'fisherman' to shops and professions. *I explain that an angler goes fishing for sport and for a fisherman it's his job.


Idioms and slang (p.13b)

(I) put sb on                                        (S) Son of a bitch

(I) A rigged game                                (S) Throw sb back in the can = send them back to prison

(I) Press sb. = pressurize                     (P=proverb) A rolling stone gathers no moss

(S) Pal = Buddy (USA) = friend          (P) Don't wash your dirty linen (underwear) in public


Speaking activity - Ask the students:

What happened first in part two? (Mime playing basketball, tried to teach Indian to play basketball)

Then what happened next? (Mime playing cards + loud music)

What happened after that? (Mime taking medicine and spitting it out)

Why did they have a vote in the group therapy session? What happened? (world series, mime vote & touch hair, like Harding, or arms around head like Martini)

Why did McMurphy try to lift the water station? (to throw it through the window and go to a bar)


While the DVD is loading and the 'copyright' warning is on: Use photocopies of  part 3 dialogues

Go to the film main menu, select 'Jump to a scene' and select scene 10 (Getting out vote)

without subtitles.


After Ratched shuts the nurses station window (when McMurphy sits by himself in front of the tv) select subtitles in student's native language.

When Dr. Spivey appears - subtitles in English.

When the outside of the hospital appears (after the interview with Dr Spivey) select no subtitles

When the psychiatrist says "I think he's dangerous." Stop the film


Post-viewing activity:

Why did the patients vote differently? How did McMurphy feel after the vote? 

Was the fishing trip good for the patients? What could have gone wrong?

Why wasn't McMurphy worried about being sent back to prison?


