Level 3 Film Activity - One flew over the cuckoo's nest - Part 4


DVD activity by Viv Quarry (www.vivquarry.com)


Part 4 (DVD scenes 16 - 26) Viewing time approx. 40 minutes (activity time 1 hour)


Pre-teach/check the following vocabulary


Birth, marriage, death (p.10f)               Health & body (p.26f)                        House & home (p.28f)

(V) drown                                                (ADJ) Committed                                 (N) Fence

                                                                 (ADJ) Voluntary

Food & drink (p.24f)                               (N) Electro-shock treatment (EST)

(N) Chewing gum (Juicy Fruit)                   (N) Lobotomy

(V) Bite sth/sb  (irregular)                                

                                                                School & university (p.34f)

Sport & leisure (p.38f)                           (N) Dormitory (dorm)

(N) Gambling                                                  

(V+N) Coach (sb) = train                         Ways of moving (p.46f)

                                                                 (V+N) Stroll (go for a ...)

Idioms and slang (p. 13b)

(S) Booze = alcoholic drinks                            (S) Hassle (sb) = cause problems (V+N)

(S) Got the guts to do sth = have courage         (S) Work on sb = Try to break their self-confidence

                                                                        (I) Fool sb = mislead sb

Speaking activity - Ask the students:

What happened first in part three? (Mime voting - draw vote adjourned)

Then what happened next? (Mime climbing a fence)

What happened after that? (Smile and say "Are you crazy?")

Where did McMurphy take them? Why? (A marina or harbour / to go fishing)

What might happen to McMurphy because of what he did? (sent back to prison?)


While the DVD is loading and the 'copyright' warning is on: Use photocopies of  part 4 dialogues


Go to the film main menu, select 'Jump to a scene' and select scene 16 (I can help him) No subtitles


While the swimming pool appears select subtitles in English.


When group therapy appears Switch subtitles off.



While McMurphy stops patient snoring before talking to Chief Bromden select subtitles in English.


When the lights flash on and off to wake up the patients switch subtitles off.


When McMurphy, standing by the window says "Hey Billy! What's wrong?" Stop the film


Post-viewing activity: ask students for one adjective to describe each characters


Make sure students know how to ask "How do you say **** in English?" or use this exercise as a bi-lingual dictionary exercise. For identification, use 'special features - cast, Cheswick scene index 14.


McMurphy                Confident / irreverent                  Cheswick            insecure/easily led/highly strung

Chief Bromden          Strong / silent/clever                  Martini               immature/retarded/quiet

Billy Bibbet                Shy / stutters/innocent                 Taber                 Aggressive/violent/ unpredictable

Harding                      Intelligent/paranoid                   Nurse Ratched     Domineering/cold/inhuman

